A smile to remember

We had goldfish and they circled around and around in the bowl on the table, near the heavy drapes covering the picture window. My mother, always smiling, wanting us all to be happy, told me: "Be happy, Henry!"
She was right; it's better to be happy if you can, but my father continued to beat her and me several times a week while raging inside his 6-foot-two frame because he couldn't understand what was attacking him from within. 

My mother, poor fish, wanting to be happy, beaten two or three times a week, telling me to be happy: "Henry, smile! Why don't you ever smile?" - and then she would smile, to show me how, and it was the saddest smile I ever saw.

One day the goldfish died. All five of them. They floated on the water. On their sides. Their eyes still open. When my father got home he threw them to the cat, there on the kitchen floor

- and we watched as my mother 

C. Bukowski

Postat av: Lillan

Hej! Är det så att du har en annan blogg också? :)

Och jag behärskar ditt skrivandet, hur gör du? Har du några tips?

Vilka böcker rekommenderar du? Visst är det så att man ska läsa det man gillar, men rekomendera mig 5 böcker. Skulle vara hjärtligt tacksam om du svarar 🌸😻😻😻

Svar: Se förra inlägget, där du kommenterade tidigare. Har svarat där. Många kramar!

2015-06-30 @ 04:21:22
Postat av: Fatima

Åh, jag hade också velat höra dina fem bokrekommendationer! <3

Svar: Har redan besvarat frågan i några inlägg innan detta. Minns dock inte vilket. Puss!

2015-07-14 @ 15:59:18

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